There's power at work in you.

At Quest, you can unleash it. We're youth, and we're on a mission to change our world in Jesus' name. And you're invited.

Quest on Wednesday

Every Wednesday night at 6:30pm, 6th-12th graders meet up for Quest at Christian Life Center.

We love great music, spending time with friends, and discovering new ways to make life better.

So DM your friends and tell 'em you've got Wednesday night covered. Quest is on, and it won't be the same without you.

Quest Online

Quest doesn't just happen and it's over. It's an every day thing. Whether you're here Wednesday night or not, you're a part of this family.

@clcquest is all over Instagram. Pop in and drop a 🤙🏾 on our last post. We want to hear from you.

Quest on the Weekend

We choose to be the Church. We don't sit back and watch. You've got gifts, and we'll give you the opportunity to use them!

Every weekend, Quest students volunteer together at Christian Life Center—and there’s a spot for you.

Hey, Parents...

There are several ways your 6th-12th grader can get involved in Quest. There are three main pipelines:

Quest on Wednesday Nights.

The main Quest experience features worship, games, and messages designed for students in middle school and high school. Each night ends with small-group time led by a trained, background-checked volunteer.

Quest Online.

We keep the Quest experience happening on YouTube and Instagram. We invite students to interact with other students and volunteer leaders in closely-monitored public comment sections.

Quest on the Weekend.

Students can apply for Quest Serve and serve in LifeKids or on the Host Team on weekends. Additionally, we have designated a Quest Section for 6th-12th graders to sit together as they experience the weekend service.

We love spending time connecting with your students! We always strive to keep our physical and digital spaces safe, and we’d love to share more with you about how we make it happen. In addition to reaching out to your youth pastor, you can also learn more about how we partner with parents or sign up to volunteer with Quest.